Marianna Tonga
In this writing course we were asked to pick a social justice issue that we saw in the world around us. This could be anything in relation to ourselves and/or possibly experiences we have had that helped shape our opinions and views. I believe this to the reason why I chose my social justice issue, poverty. This is something that is becoming a worldwide problem and I have not only seen it with my own eyes but lived it as well. Poverty is by definition a lack of sufficient needs for living. Throughout the semester, we were asked to research different topics in relation to our social issue that would help us better understand the concept outside of its basic definition. Information based texts and persuasive essays were just a few of the required medium we were asked to use in the course layout. In this website, you will see the different ways I chose to portray my social issue.I decided to post all the projects done for this class, but I will go into detail of those that were revised and how the revision was done.